Myleene Klass believes parents should be responsible role models for their children, rather than have them look up to celebrities.

The musician and television personality, who has a daughter herself, said youngsters were exposed to too many stereotypes.

She said: "I hate the culture that girls feel they are only worthy if they are thin or blonde but anything they have to say or contribute is undervalued. I don't look to others, celebs or otherwise, to be a role model for my daughter. I look to myself.

"I hope that if I can instil good values and a sense of worth she'll have a better attitude, knowledge and power when bombarded with these unrealistic images."

Speaking ahead of the launch of a website to promote natural beauty, Myleene, 32, said mothers and fathers should aim to instil confidence and individuality in their children.

"It can be easy to blame the media, the mags and TV shows for their portrayal of perfection but personally, I think that the responsibility and answers lie closer to home."

On July 14, Channel 4 is launching the fashion and beauty website 4Beauty

Myleene, who contributed to the site, said: "I am extremely aware of airbrushing because I work in the entertainment industry. Its always weird to see what an art director deems and creates as a perfect, flawless version of yourself, especially as I believe the flaws make the person."

Click here to visit Channel 4's 4Beauty website: