May I through your newspaper remind those who are persistent in speeding along Church Lane, Bocking, that the current crisis we are all in and the fact that there is very much less traffic on the roads is no excuse for what I would consider to be bad driving.

There is a recognised speed limit set in built-up areas (Church Lane being one of them and that is 30mph).

These persistent, ruthless and ignorant drivers are not only putting other motorists, cyclists and pedestrians at risk of being injured, maimed for life or even killed should start thinking ‘What if I do hit someone or something?’.

That someone or something might be a relation, friend, property or oncoming vehicle. If you hit or kill someone, it is your licence that you will lose, as well as perhaps losing your job and having a hefty fine imposed, then how would you, the persistent, ignorant speed merchant feel?

The pedal in the middle is commonly called the foot brake, try after you take the foot off the accelerator pressing this and note what happens, if your brakes are any good you should be able to stop, yes stop, and then start thinking!

Kenneth Pallant

Church Lane, Bocking