The recent disaster regarding the Phase 1 road naming for the Severalls Hospital site, in Colchester, has certainly made my blood boil!

A lot of time and effort went into the suggestions for Phase 1 roads, which, after discussion, was agreed in principle to be associated with the historic water tower on Mill Road.

Initial agreement was reached with the developer Crest Nicholson, Colchester Council officers and the Myland Community Council.

It was only recently I heard the Homes and Communities Agency (a public-serving Government agency), which had sold the land to Crest Nicholson, had stuck its oar in and objected to the names we had agreed on.

It is fair to say a flurry of e-mails has been sent by me to a number of key stakeholders involved in this case expressing my strong objection to the chosen, Olympic-themed names, the way in which this was handled and what meaningless tripe we have been left with in Mile End for road names that bear no history or resemblance to the Severalls site’s rich history.

I am glad to say Phase 2 will be a different approach and I will ensure the names suggested by residents across Colchester will be given proper consideration and stakeholders who frankly have no local interest in our history will be given short shrift if they try making such ludicrous suggestions again!

Martin Goss
Mill Road