A MISSING person’s charity told of the trauma the family of Anthony Stammers will be experiencing, two weeks after his disappearance.

Helen Morrell, family support manager for website missingpeople.org.uk, said it had been in contact with Ant’s relatives to offer support. His image and description are also on its site.

Ant, 27, of Mile End Road, Colchester, was last seen by mum, Julie, on Sunday, May 27, when he left the family home and said he was going to meet friends.

Police are still searching in Colchester.

Mrs Morrell said: “His family are facing the challenge where they are having to establish a new relationship with the police and the media. Having to give interviews is frightening in itself.

“They think they should be doing it, but are going into it with a heavy heart because they don’t want to be in this situation.

“It can also be hard to hear police aren’t out searching all the time.

“In all cases, where somebody isn’t found, there will come a stage when the police say they haven’t any leads to follow up.”

Mrs Morrell said families of a missing person also started to experience “ambiguous loss”.

She said: “This is used to describe that feeling families have where not only they don’t know what’s happening, and have all sorts of questions, but are wondering how long will they be in this situation.

“That is very hard, because you wake up every day, wondering if it is going to be like that again.

“That continuation, and not knowing answers to questions, is very frustrating.”

Anyone with information about Ant can call missing people.org.uk on 116000.