It is clear from feedback from members of the public on TV, radio and other media sources that there is a blurring of the lines between all political parties.

What do any of them stand for in the current climate?

That is the question so many people are asking.

Tim Eustace alludes to this point in his letter (Gazette May 1).

He is right when he says that selling properties and throwing people out of their homes cannot be the actions of a socialist.

Yet this is what is happening with members of the Labour group on Colchester Council in their determination to sell council- owned sheltered housing complexes.

More proof, surely, of the perception that there is little difference between the major parties.

This action is being taken at a time when people are living longer and the need for sheltered housing will increase.

To the people of St Andrews ward, I say if you want a Conservative councillor, vote Labour on Thursday.

If, however, you want someone who is true to their principles, can I suggest avoid the main parties and pick another candidate from the list.

Whatever you do, please come out and vote. Colchester Council needs a shake-up and you are the people who can do it.

Norman Bailey
Cambridge Road