On Tuesday, the waste vans came round as expected and took black bags.

Later, the recycling team came round, looked in my green box and shut it again, then looked in my neighbour’s box and took out some rubbish, and left.

My other neighbours, who recycle with white bags, had their rubbish left as well.

At 10am yesterday morning, the rubbish was still there. My neighbour told me he had rung the Tendring Council office on Tuesday morning and staff apologised by saying the the flats had not been issued with red boxes, but the rest of Kings Road had.

He was assured the rubbish would be picked up on Tuesday, but nobody arrived We were not directly informed of any change in recyling. We knew about it obviously, but are we in the flats to guess how we are to recycle?

Here in Kings Road, near the sea, we are inundated with seagulls who destroy anything and everything.

Who is responsible for the mess they are going to leave if the rubbish stays there long?

Miss J M Swinton
Uplands Court
Kings Road