Like most of the country, I have been waiting in vain for even a hint of a mumbled, shame-faced apology from all the great and good supporters of the European Union who tried and failed to get us to join the Eurozone.

The chief culprits were the Financial Times, which is a fervent supporter of the EU, the CBI, senior politicians mostly now tucked up in the Lords on comfortable pensions, but above all the BBC.

The bias of the BBC on many matters, but especially on anything to do with the EU, has been a national disgrace.

Sadly, any hope of improvement is unlikely now we have Lord Patten at the helm.

It is small comfort to the brave people who warned about the inevitable car crash the euro has become and were reviled and mocked for doing so, that they were proved right.

The clueless politicians and unelected bureaucrats presently running the EU are now stuck between a rock and a hard place and, interestingly, their deceived populations are beginning to get cross as well.

Be assured, though, that when it all collapses in tears and we go down with it, it will somehow be found that it was somebody else’s fault.

David Brown
The Street
Little Clacton