SCHEMES which name and shame drivers responsible for damaging grass verges are gaining popularity in Colchester.

Welshwood Park Residents’ Association has announced plans to photograph cars parking on verges in Welshwood Park Road and post them on the parish notice board.

Last week, St John’s Residents’ Association announced a similar scheme to name and shame drivers damaging the roadside near Friar’s Grove Primary School, in Upland Drive, Colchester.

Keith Baines, 72, chairman of Welshwood Park Residents’ Association, said: “People seem to think it’s helpful if they park half on and half off the road, but it really isn’t. The grass is disappearing. All we have left are muddy ruts.

“We have put up polite notices on people’s windscreens but it hasn’t had a lot of effect and if you try to talk to them, many of them can be extremely rude. The only hope we seem to have is naming and shaming.”

Paul Smith, ward borough councillor, said: “I support what the residents are doing. The community in St John’s is keen to protect and preserve the area, so peer pressure on the few individuals who are damaging the environment in this way could be very effective.”