BE good to yourself and get along to Escape nightclub in Colchester on Wednesday, when the special guest will be Lindy Layton.

She is perhaps best known for fronting the hit group Beats International, who with the help of Norman Cook, aka Fat Boy Slim, had a couple of hit singles in the early Nineties, including number one, Dub Be Good to Me.

Lindy started her showbiz career as an actress, having attended drama school and she had a part in children’s television show, Press Gang.

But music was always going to be her life, as Lindy explains: “From a really early age, my older sister was listening to people like Bob Marley and I suppose that’s how it all started. I used to spend my Saturday mornings going to the West End to buy records, and when I was 15, I ran away to Brighton to hook up with some musicians.”

One of the musicians was Norman Cook. She says: “I had bought this white label and it had his name on it.” Lindy adds, “It was my favourite record, so I was kind of hell bent on finding him.”

She did find him and after convincing him she would be good in his band, her musical career was set.

Now with Dub Pistols, Lindy also DJs and gives live personal appearances, so has a pretty packed festival season ahead of her, including Glastonbury and Bestival.

But before all that, she will be appearing as part of the Copford club’s Love to Be over 25s night. Go online at