A man told magistrates: "God bless you" after they gave him a conditional discharge for begging.

Ian Dines admitted the offence when he appeared at Colchester Magistrates' Court.

The court heard that just before 1am on August 16 police had seen Dines on Colchester High Street asking members of the public for money.

When cautioned, he told officers: "I'm only asking for loose change - give us a chance," the court was told.

Sharon Moore, prosecuting, said Dines had been cautioned for a similar matter last year.

Roger Brice, mitigating, said Dines, 41, of Buffett Way, Greenstead, Colchester, had a very small income, mental health problems and a drink problem, which he was addressing.

When magistrates imposed a six-month conditional discharge for the offence, Dines told them: "God bless you."

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Published Friday, September 16, 2005

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