A group of Colchester women joined together to launch Cancer Research UK's new breast cancer campaign.

All together now - Diana Green, Diane Taylor and Linda Jackson are supporting Cancer Research UK's All Women Together campaign. Picture: STEVE ARGENT (45044-1)

Under the new initiative "Pinkie" rings engraved with the name of the campaign, All Women Together, are available from the charity's shop in Priory Walk and others across the UK, for £1.

The aim of the rings is to show support for the 41,000 women each year affected by breast cancer.

Shop manager Diane Taylor, community fundraiser Lucy Squance and breast cancer survivor Diana Green, were delighted to show off the rings, which come in three different sizes.

Diana, 69, of Colchester, said: "I am living proof there are effective treatments for breast cancer. "Sadly, however, not everyone survives. This is why I am supporting the campaign, to highlight the need for more research."

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Friday, September 16, 2005

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