Two customers who went to freshen themselves up after a fish and chip lunch came out to find the staff had shut up.

All locked up - Reg's fish and chip shop. (45099-a)

Bemused shoppers watched on helpless outside Reg's takeaway and restaurant in St John's Road, Great Clacton, while a hunt was launched for the owner.

The two were locked up for more than 40 minutes until a staff member arrived to let them free yesterday afternoon.

Warren Fuller, who works opposite at the Queen's Head, said: "You could see the two ladies behind the glass door.

"They had gone to the lavatory and when they came out everyone had gone home. One was in her 60s and the other one looked in her 70s.

"When they got out they were all right though."

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Friday, September 16, 2005

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