A teenager who suffered a fractured skull and a blood clot on his brain has made a plea to others to wear helmets so they don't suffer the same fate.

Serious accident - above, Tom suffered a blood clot and a fractured skull as he wasn't wearing a safty helmet. Pictures: STEVE BRADING (45080-a)

Tom Hutley, 13, of Chelmer Road, Braintree, was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident at Weavers Park skate park in Bocking End.

He needed 40 staples in his head after surgery at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London.

The Alec Hunter College pupil now wants to get the message out to youngsters and parents that safety equipment can save your life and look cool.

He said: "Since my accident, I realised the importance of wearing head protection for any skate park, cycling activity or extreme sports, and how stupid I had been.

"My accident could have happened to anybody - be they professional, amateur or even people just doing general riding.

"Children, teenagers and parents should know that it is vital that safety equipment is worn at all times and can look cool, which is the main problem with young people wearing protection."

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Wednesday, September 14, 2005

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