Two armed men were being hunted today after staff at a Colchester store were tied up and robbed.

Robbery - police at the scene. (45067-1)

The drama started at the Staples store, in Cowdray Avenue, just after 6pm yesterday as two staff were locking up.

They were approached by two men, one armed with a gun and the other with a knife, and forced back into the store.

The two staff were tied up and threatened before the robbers escaped with what police say was a "large quantity" of cash.

The staff managed to raise the alarm later on. They were left shaken but uninjured by their ordeal, a police spokesman said.

Police think the robbery may have been pre-planned with the suspects visiting the scene in the past few days or weeks.

Anyone with information should contact Colchester police on 01206 762212.

More in today's Evening Gazette

Published Monday, September 12, 2005

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