Fryerns School in Basildon will definitely close next year due to falling pupil numbers, a Government body decided today.

The majority of students at the Craylands school left early this year as Essex County Council agreed the Special Measures-listed school should go.

The remaining 149 pupils were today deciding their future as the Education Secretary announced the doors will close for good in August 1999.

Dave Anderson was brought in after the sudden resignation of Stuart Hayes amid rumours of escalating debts of £150,000.

As a schools adviser and acting headteacher, Mr Anderson is now making sure the closure goes smoothly.

He said: "We have been living with the likelihood of closure for some time. Some teachers have left, but the rest have vowed to stay on. We had been advising parents to find new schools offering a future to their youngsters. That was the fairest way.

"The decision has been greeted with sadness by staff and pupils, but it is a relief to know. The announcement was delayed because of the reshuffle within the Government."

Fryerns did not take in a year seven and the majority of year ten started new schools in September.

A parents evening is to be held on Monday at 6pm to discuss what to do next.

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