The father of a young electrician who had his arm amputated after an 80mph car crash said he hoped it would serve as a warning to others.

The car, driven by his friend Martin Green, smashed through a fence on to mud flats with front seat passenger Neil Arnold, of Oakwood Avenue, West Mersea, impaled by a post.

Surgeons were unable to save his left arm and amputated it from the top of his shoulder.

Electrician Green, 25, was jailed for six months by Colchester magistrates on Friday after admitting driving dangerously along the Strood toward Mersea Island.

Neil's father Barry said yesterday: "This might make some of the other youngsters stop and think just what speed does."

Neil, 24, is due to have an artificial arm fitted at Harold Wood Hospital in Romford today.

"I think it will hit me then. I am feeling a bit apprehensive but we will just have to wait and see what happens," he said.

Despite his injuries Neil does not blame Green, of Elmwood Drive, West Mersea.

"He was driving like an idiot but I don't hate him or anything. It may sound strange but it has not really affected me. I don't feel a great deal different," he said.

Neil has had to move back in with his parents Helen and Barry.

Mr Arnold said: "The copper who told us about the accident said it was life and death because of the amount of blood Neil had lost.

"When we got to the hospital he had already gone into surgery. The surgeon said 'The good news is he will live, the bad news is we have had to amputate his arm'."

But Neil made a rapid recovery. He was discharged from hospital after ten days and was playing football with his friends two days later.

"We would like to thank the police, fire service and hospital staff for everything they did, especially the woman police officer who was first on the scene who got in the car and supported his head while the fire brigade cut him free," Mr Arnold said.

"The car demolished about eight or nine sections of fencing. I have seen numerous accidents at that spot over the years and have seen lorries take out less railings."

Mr Arnold said: "The reason Neil does not hate Martin as much as I think he would do is that he was asleep in the car at the time. The first thing he remembers is waking up in hospital," he said.

Before the accident Neil was a fully-trained electrician but thinks his handicap would prevent him from returning to the job.

"He was just starting to earn very good money. But the main thing is he has still got a life in front of him," Mr Arnold said.

Accident victim - Neil Arnold

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