The threat of date rape is being tackled at a Colchester college after two students had their drinks spiked with drugs.

Two women at Colchester Institute said they had a narrow escape last year when they realised their drinks had been contaminated with the date rape drug rohypnol.

Now the Students' Union has pioneered a leaflet explaining the dangers of the drug, supported by the Colchester Drugs Reference Group, Colchester police and support groups in the area.

Clive Wilson, student liaison officer, said: "As a man I am horrified other men could do this frightening thing.

"We are not saying the problem is of epidemic proportions but we are aware of cases going on and we do not want this happening to our students or anyone else."

When the date rape pill is taken it can induce a comatose state. Dangers occur when it is dropped into an unsuspecting person's drink, making her or him vulnerable to personal attacks, including rape.

Colchester police community safety inspector, Jo Dudley, said police were aware of a very few incidents of alleged date rape in Colchester.

She said: "It is good for young people to take responsibility for themselves.

"The drug can cause a victim to be drawn into a situation of a sexual nature which he or she would not normally allow to occur. It can destroy lives." The launch will take place at lunchtime today, at the Freshers Fair at the Institute.

For a copy of the leaflet call the students' union on 01206 518705.

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