Infant school pupils descended on a Shoebury superstore to chomp their way through a healthy meal of fruit and veg.

The youngsters, from Chalkwell Hall Infants School in London Road, Leigh, took part in a unique food trial to learn about the importance of a well-balanced and nutritious diet.

They followed a food trail around the Asda superstore in North Shoebury Road, Shoebury, to look at and learn about different types of ingredients.

The scheme was designed by educational experts and featured healthy suggestions for kids to include in their packed lunch. Kath Ward, Asda spokeswoman, said: "The children learnt about all of the basic ingredients needed for a healthy meal and had to locate them around the store." The scheme was launched in response to a Government drive.

Healthy eating - pupils from Chalkwell Hall Infants school taste the benefits of fresh fruit at the Asda store in Shoebury


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