A Southend MP has proclaimed today's unveiling of a new catering college in Shoebury as the dawning of a new era for the industry.

Tory Sir Teddy Taylor said he felt the college, built on the New Ranges, would herald the start of something big for the area.

Hockley-based businessman Brian Efde was realising his long-awaited ambition to open the college which will specialise in training lectures to teach all aspects of the catering trade.

Leading dignitaries and officers from Southend Council were being treated to the first tour around the college before it is officially opened to students on Monday. Sir Teddy particularly welcomed the fact that the college will focus its courses on health and safety.

Government figures show 28 people died and 34,000 were injured in catering-related accidents last year.

Sir Teddy, MP for Rochford and Southend East, said: "It is brilliant that the college is going to be concentrating initially on safety issues because unfortunately catering is one of the areas where there are considerably high numbers of injuries and deaths."

The college, which has been named Clearly Visable, is housed in the former Ministry of Defence restaurant building in Shoebury.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.