Children at a village primary are putting their lives at risk trying to get to school.

That's the view of head Nigel Powis and chairman of governors Pandora Sarson who today demanded safety measures to be introduced outside St Andrew's Church of England Primary in Weeley.

Since the start of the week the Little Clacton Bypass has been closed to traffic going into Clacton from the Colchester direction because of work being carried out to a bridge.

That has resulted in all those vehicles going past the front door of the school.

"This is a major disaster just waiting to happen," said Mr Powis.

"Lorries are coming up to Weeley Bridge at 60mph and then hit a 30mph limit. They come over the bridge where just a few yards in front of them is our lollipop lady taking the children across the road."

Mr Powis said the situation is set to remain for at least 12 weeks and said he would be amazed if they got through without a serious accident.

Mr Powis said he had already contacted the highways department at Essex County Council - which is responsible for the road changes and measures brought in while the work is carried out to repair slippage at the bridge on the bypass.

"They have promised to send someone down today to look at the situation and we will be pressing for urgent action to be taken," he added.

"At the moment it is not safe to cross, walk, or drive around here."

Mr Powis said there was also all the traffic with parents and staff at peak times.

By Nigel Brown

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