Armed police swooped on a Leigh street after a teenager was seen waving a handgun.

A member of the public called the police after spotting the 18-year-old, who has not been named, in Lundy Close with what appeared to be a real weapon.

Armed units were called but it turned out to be a BB pellet gun used for firing ball bearings.

Acting Insp Steve Leese, from Southend police, said: "We had information that someone was sitting in a vehicle waving what appeared to be a gun. We had to treat that as a potentially serious incident."

He said no-one had been arrested following the "boyish prank".

Home Office Minister Charles Clarke yesterday (Wednesday) said the Government was determined to crack down on the problem of replica guns. He said: "We are looking to be in a posistion where replica weapons are outlawed."

An Evening Echo campaign, Ban Replica Firearms, was launched after a series of raids across Southend. After the Echo's coverage, Minister Paul Boateng vowed the Home Office would look into the situation.

By Sam Smith

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