Canvey Island's already hideously-overcrowded fixture programme was thrown into further confusion on Monday when their Ryman League Cup tie at Croydon was washed out due to a waterlogged pitch.

Gulls manager Jeff King had planned to field a line-up of fringe first team squad men and reserves, but will be more worried if tonight's Ryman Premiership visit to Hitchin also gets the thumbs down.

The Islanders are already five games behind runaway leaders Farnborough, who lead them by 19 points in the fight for the title, and have a hectic schedule of five away league games in 15 days leading up to the Trophy semi-final first leg.

The only consolation on Monday was that Farnborough did not steal a further march on them at the top.

They were due at Hendon in the League, but that was also postponed as non-league soccer continued to suffer the ravages of the wettest winter in living memory.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.