The Pope & Smith Chelmsford Junior Tennis League still continues to flourish with 90 teams entering the competition this summer.

At the Annual general Meeting held last week Kelvedon Hatch were welcomed for the first time although a couple of clubs have withdrawn.

However, there are still 21 clubs, they being Bentley, Billericay, Braintree, Brentwood Lawn, Brentwood Hard, Cranbrook Castle, Cranston Park, Danbury, Essex club, Gidea Park, Great Baddow, Grosvenor, Harlow, Hutton & Shenfield, Kelvedon Hatch, Mountnessing, Pleshey, Rayleigh, Stock, Wickford and Wickham Bishops.

The Cranston Park Tennis Club are organising and hosting the finals of this year's Romford Junior league tournament.

There are girls' and boys' singles in age groups 10, 12, 14 and 16 and doubles at 13 and 16.

The closing date for entries is April 16 with the finals scheduled for September 22. Tucker Bros (Radio & Television are sponsoring the tournament. Telephone Christine Jolly on 01708 220783 for further details.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.