About a dozen custom motorbikes pulled in the crowds and helped to raise more than £300 for a Harwich charity.

Members of the north Essex branch of the Virago Star Owners Club took their sparkling machines to the town on Saturday and caused quite a stir.

They assembled at the Ark Centre in Main Road before riding to Dovercourt town centre and then on to the Safeway supermarket, where the vehicles were on show until mid-afternoon.

Shoppers were given the chance to admire the glistening chrome and polished paintwork and chat with the riders.

Club member Jim Truscott said it was a good turnout and the bikes, which also included a couple of Harleys, attracted a lot of attention.

The club is an internaional one for all those who had a Virago or Star motorbike.

Mr Truscott said about £317 was raised for the Ark Centre, which helps special needs children in the Harwich area.

It provides an improved quality of life for a disabled child's family.

Shining - Jim Truscott, left, waiting to lead the other members of the Virago star owners club in Harwich on Saturday

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