A new association between chambers of trade is to be launched, co-ordinating the views of a district business community.

The Association of the Four District Chambers will be launched at the Braintree District Business Forum on May 1.

It will bring together the chambers of Braintree, Witham, Halstead and Coggeshall, enabling members to interact and discuss common issues such as late-night shopping and business developments.

Laurie White, chairman of the Braintree chairman of trade, will make a presentation at the business forum at Benton Hall Golf Club, Witham.

He said: "Over the years, the town has not had a lot of interaction with other chamber members and we thought it was time we got together and discussed and approached things in a different manner.

"It gives us an official body by which to tackle issues on a district basis. In the past, we have all gone our separate ways.

"The four chambers can put their voice together and it's quite a groundswell of business voices in the district."

Mr White said about 300 businesses were involved and the four chambers would still be independent.

The forum is set up by the Business Council, a collection of business leaders and Braintree Council representatives who meet to discuss commercial needs.

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