A member of staff at a Clacton high school is setting a shining example for pupils to follow.

Lynne Wicks, head of pastoral services, is in with a chance of picking up a prestigious national title for looking after customers at Colbayns High in Pathfields Road.

The 47-year-old mother of two made it through to the finals of the Customer Service of the Year Professional Education Awards.

She was one of four to make it through to the event, staged at the Chartered Institute of Marketing at Cookham, Berkshire.

There she had to present a portfolio of her work to a panel of six judges drawn from a variety of city institutions.

Mrs Wicks, whose two sons Grant and Gareth both went to Colbayns, said it was quite a nerve-wracking experience.

"It was much more high-powered than I expected and tough work in front of the judges," she said.

Mrs Wicks, who has worked at Colbayns for eight years, explained the philosophy of the school working in partnership with the parents and local community.

The aim is to ensure visitors to the school receive a warm welcome and are kept informed of delays and waiting times.

She said her staff pride themselves in their efficiency and courtesy.

Headteacher Nick Pavitt praised Mrs Wicks for her efforts.

"We are enormously proud of Lynne and her team who set incredibly high standards. She is a great ambassador for the school."

Mrs Wicks will have to travel to the Grosvenor House Hotel in London, in November, with her husband, Steven, to find out if she has won.

By Nigel Brown

Reporter's e-mail: nigel_brown@thisisessex.co.uk

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