School meal and travel costs in Essex are to go up from this autumn.

The county council's executive board agreed on Tuesday that the cost of a meal in primary and special schools would increase by five pence to £1.30 from October 29, with further annual inflation increases each year rounded to the nearest five pence with effect from September 1, 2002.

On school meals, cabinet member for education, Cllr Mrs Iris Pummell, said prices had not been increased since 1998 and the service was facing a deficit.

The Essex charge still compared very favourably with those of other authorities, she said. Children whose parents applied, and qualified for free school meals, received them, although with fuller employment, the numbers requiring free meals had dropped.

The cost of a concessionary seat on school buses - also last reviewed in 1998 - is also to rise - from £60 a term to £80 a term from the start of the autumn term in September.

These seats are those which are excess to requirements on school buses after those children who are entitled to free transport have been accommodated.

They are then offered to children who do not qualify for free transport on payment by their parents of a termly fare.

The current payment represents a charge of 95 pence a day.

Cllr Mrs Pummell said it was estimated the increase would bring in another £15,000 a year.

Converted for the new archive on 19 November 2001. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.