A schoolgirl from Maldon has won the prestigious Princess of Wales Memorial Award in recognition of her outstanding voluntary work.

Gabriella Sale, 17, is a year 12 student at Plume School and was nominated for the award by one of her teachers.

"I'm excited about getting the award. The school is having a ceremony and I might be able to ask for someone famous to come and present my award. I'm hoping to get Beppe from EastEnders."

Gabriella began working as a volunteer at the age of nine with the help of her mother, who is a nurse at a children's hospital in Rayleigh.

Gabriella is involved in a number of activities, including Shared Care, Maldon District Handicapped Children's Association, Brickhouse Farm and Drapers.

More recently, she joined the Maldon Disability Sports Forum as a volunteer and has been asked by her school to become the first ever sixth form community mentor to year ten students.

Published Thursday, March 21, 2002