Crime and anti-social behaviour in Thurrock is to be targeted in a publicity campaign launched by Thurrock Council.

The Thumbs Down campaign is aimed at reducing the fear of crime in the borough, reassuring residents that the council is working alongside police to tackle everything from violent street crime to litter-dropping.

Coun Peter Maynard, cabinet member for neighbourhoods, is leading the campaign to crack down on crime and those who make life a misery for their neighbours.

He said: "Thurrock has a relatively low crime rate in comparison to some of our neighbours.

"But it is the fear of crime that has a real effect on people's quality of life.

"We have a responsibility to help provide a safe and pleasant environment in which to live and work. This means not standing for any behaviour that negatively affects others."

Among council initiatives to drive down crime is the launch of a special 24-hour hotline for people to ring and report anything going on in their area, from abandoned vehicles and graffiti to nuisance neighbours.

The number, 0800 581281, is an answerphone service, and messages will be checked regularly so that officers can decide how best to deal with problems.

Det Chf Insp Mick Allen, of Thurrock police, said the division fully supported the campaign.

Published Thursday, March 21, 2002