Vandals have smashed more than 20 windows at The Harwich School. Police said 22 windows were smashed and would cost about £1,000 to replace.

Security fencing is currently being put up and it is hoped will be finished during the Easter holiday.

The school has suffered a series of attacks.

Headteacher Jacky Froggatt said: "We have tried so hard to prevent this sort of damage going on. It is a shame when you are really the victim of someone who thinks it's funny to do this damage."

Most of the damage, which happened on Monday night, was in an region from the sixth form area down to the main building.

Lessons were able to carry on as normal the following morning but she said it was demoralising for pupils.

She added: "Whoever it was, undoubtedly they will have friends at the school or even family members and what they don't seem to connect is the idea if we have to spend money repairing the windows, we can't spend money on educating these children."

Anyone with information should call Harwich police on 01255 241312 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111

Published Thursday, March 21, 2002