Southchurch residents have told of their despair at the growing number of prostitutes in the streets outside their homes.

A number of householders along Ambleside Drive are considering moving away from the area due to problems caused by the women and their clients.

One resident, who asked not to be named, told of residents' increasing disillusionment with an apparent lack of concern on the part of the police.

He said: "Why should I have to move home just because of these women? Every night at 10pm a contingent of them turn up between Honiton Road and Cheltenham Road.

"I and my neighbours are finding condoms and needles in our gardens and in the street."

The unnamed resident said he had written to police, the council and spoken to Rochford and Southend East MP Sir Teddy Taylor

The police admit the problem exists, and are hoping new initiatives will help stamp it out.

Published Tuesday, April 9, 2002