A congregation turned out in force to welcome their new rector at an induction ceremony at St Cedd's Church, Crammavill Street, Grays.

The church was bursting at the seams when Andy Higgs was installed into office after a wait of more than a year for a replacement priest.

The induction ceremony was conducted by the Bishop of Bradwell, the Rt Rev Laurie Green, and the Archdeacon of Southend, the Ven David Lowman, assisted by the Dean of Thurrock, the Rev John Hassell.

Church warden Jill Rogers, said: "The congregation came out in force to welcome their new rector with much enthusiasm.

"Clergy and lay readers from the whole of Thurrock who came to welcome Andy were joined by a large party from Harlow (his former parish) who wanted to send him to us with a demonstration of the affection and esteem in which they hold him."

Published Tuesday August 27, 2002

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