The revamp of Billericay's War Memorial is being pushed further this week with renovation plans going forward for planning permission.

The new look World War II memorial and triangle is estimated to cost around £60,000 and include new birch trees, repaving and a new memorial.

Names of fallen heroes on the plaque will be restored, as they have become eroded over the years and are now unclear.

Uplighters will also feature on the memorial, next to Mary Magdalen Church, at the junction of Chapel Street and the High Street.

Trevor Stansfield, chairman of Billericay Town Council said: "This is a place where the town remembers our fallen heroes, so we want a memorial that is fitting for that purpose, so it should be clean and tidy.

"Plans have gone forward to Basildon Council Planning Committee and we hope it will run as smoothly and quickly as possible.

"Renovations should start in June or July next year, if everything goes to plan.

"Funding is still uncertain until we gain full planning permission, but a number of options have been considered including a lottery grant."

The removal of the existing lime trees has caused some controversy, as they are around 100 years old.

Mr Stansfield said: "This argument has become a bit emotional, but the fact is, the trees drop honey dew which can make the memorial look unclean, and overcasts the whole area covering St Mary Magdalen Church.

"The Himalayan birch trees will provide more space for the church and the community, look more attractive and be easier to maintain."

The project has the backing of the Royal British Legion and Billericay's Parochial Church Council. Atkins Design, based in Chelmsford have compiled the plans which were displayed in Billericay Library in February.

Forms were available for the public to voice their opinions and 90 people responded.

Of these people, 74 people were in favour, and the remainder were opposed because they did not want the trees to be replaced.

Published Tuesday August 27, 2002

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