Basildon matchmen Stan Howard and Neil Payne landed a terrific 187lb 4oz of bream at Billericay's Lake Meadows.

At the scales Stan broke the magic 100lb barrier weighing in a total of 109lb. Neil, who fished just a few yards away from Stan, added 78lb 4oz to their combined total.

The pair fished from the point using luncheon meat and trout pellet baits. Both anglers fished pole tactics, and took fish steadily throughout their session.

Junior angler Murray Bass continued his own run of success at Lake Meadows by landing four big carp in an afternoon. Murray fished the point to net specimens of 15lb, 17lb 8oz, 18lb, and 19lb 4oz.

His biggest carp fell to a floating bait, and took more than 20 minutes to land.

Billericay's Lake Meadows also proved a winning venue for first time visitor Danny Stone. Fishing an after work session Danny netted a mirror of 21lb 4oz from the shallows, which fell to a homemade boilie.

Published Wednesday August 28, 2002

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