News the planned eight-day strike by firefighters has been called off has been welcomed in south Essex.

The strike was due to start tomorrow but the Fire Brigades Union has decided not to go ahead with the planned action in order to pursue further negotiations.

Dennis Williams, county councillor for Canvey, said: "There should be detailed negotiations with Essex County Council to come up with a formula to increase wages over time. These negotiations must be going reasonably well and I am delighted they have decided not to strike."

Castle Point's Tory MP Bob Spink said: "I am delighted. I think all the firefighters are pleased too. They did not want to go on strike."

Charles Latham, Southend Council leader, said: "It is frustrating that we have no direct involvement with the pay negotiations but I hope a settlement can be reached."

The Fire Brigades Union has also set a new 48-hour strike to start on November 13 and warned further walkouts will go ahead later this month and in December unless there is a settlement.

Published Tuesday November 5, 2002

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