Moves to set up Tendring's first official gipsy site have taken a major step forward.

Tendring Council's cabinet members have agreed to back the idea of a short-term stopping place in the district so that travellers can be relocated if they turn up on other land.

But they have dropped one of the sites put forward by Essex County Council at Tan Lane in Little Clacton as they feel it unsuitable.

They have decided to proceed with a further report on land to the west of Horsley Cross.

Philip Vanner (Ind Con, Southcliff) said he was very sympathetic to residents who had suffered due to incursions by gipsies and was in favour of short-term stopping places but not a permanent site.

However, he felt they would only work if the police used the new powers they are to get to move them on to designated areas.

"I believe that Tan Lane is an absolute no-no but the the land at Horsley Cross is a little bit more sutiable," he said. "I would also like to see further investigation into land previously considered at Great Bromley."

It was felt the Horsley Cross land was already used by travellers regularly and a further report on the site will go back to the next public meeting of the cabinet for discussion.

Published Friday November 8, 2002

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