Witham residents have won their long-running fight to get a direct bus link to Chelmsford's Broomfield Hospital.

The new service - the 344 - will pick up passengers in Witham, Hatfield Peverel and Terling.

In a separate move, Witham's Howbridge Estate will see its hourly bus service restored as part of a commuter bus link between Maldon and Witham railway station.

The new and improved services are part of Essex County Council's Get Essex Moving initiative, which sets aside £240,000 to subsidise improved bus services across the county.

From December 2, the Broomfield Hospital service will run three times a day on Tuesdays and Fridays.

It will also connect the Terling area to Chelmsford and Witham by public transport for the first time in years.

Transport managers said it could be extended to other days of the week if enough passengers used it.

Published Thursday November 7, 2002

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