A teenager was today waiting to discover the extent of leg injuries he suffered in a hit-and-run road smash.

The 19-year-old has been kept in Southend Hospital with a badly broken leg following the accident in Westcliff.

He was today waiting to hear if medics think it necessary for him to have pins inserted in the damaged limb to help the wounds heal.

Police are eager to find the motorist who knocked the youth down in Hildaville Drive before driving off without stopping to check if he was OK.

The victim was stepping out of a van when he was struck by the car.

A police spokesman said: "The car hit him on the lower part of his leg and he fell into the road. The car did not stop and we are appealing for witnesses to come forward.

The spokesman added police do not believe the driver of the car deliberately knocked the victim down.

"He must have been shocked by the incident and we are appealing for him to come forward," the spokesman added.

The victim was being dropped at home when the car struck him at 9.30pm on Saturday.

Anyone with information is urged to contact PC John Swann at the Rayleigh road policing unit on 01268 775533.

Published Monday November 11, 2002

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