Residents across the Braintree district could be facing a 5.49 per cent rise in their council tax.

Braintree Council has announced a provisional final figure for this year's district portion of the council tax, which will be discussed by the full council on February 18.

The rise is less than last year, when tax rose by 5.9 per cent.

If approved, the tax increase would equate to a 13p per week increase for band D tax payers or £6.82 extra a year.

Council leader, conservative David Finch, said: "This low rate of increase is a remarkable achievement and has taken months of careful review and some difficult decisions."

David Mann, leader of the Labour group, said: "It's good news for local council tax payers that the Conservatives and their Independent allies have used the 3.5 per cent extra they have got from central government this year to continue our low tax tradition."

Published Wednesday January 28, 2004

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