Extra efforts are being pumped into providing new services for young people across Tendring.

But a warning has gone out not to promise things which cannot be delivered - and the difficulty of keeping up with changing trends.

Joanne Constable, community projects officer at Tendring Council, has been working hard on new initiatives and ways of drumming up cash for schemes.

It is being done following consultation with youngsters with the target age of 13-19.

About £7,000 has been received towards a website and £3,000 a year has been spent on signing up to Grant Finder to help access external funding.

Teenagers are to be offered the chance to put their own ideas and activities on a Bulletin Board along with relevant news items.

A recent survey showed there were at least 150 activities available to them in the area.

Mark Morley-Souter (Lab, Alton Park) applauded the efforts but added it was a difficult area to tackle.

Neil Stock (Con, Ardeligh and Little Bromley) said the council could be opening up a can or worms.

"I wish you all the best but it is dangerous to take it too far in telling children what they should be doing," he added. "It is a very difficult nut to crack."

Published Thursday June 10, 2004

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