Both children would like to trace their mum, if only to know that she is alive and well.

In the year 1964, Tina Jane was born to George and Ruby at Rochford hospital. Their relationship broke down following the arrival of a second baby, David. Many things have been speculated upon since that time (1966) but no clues to Ruby's whereabouts have ever been offered. There is no contact with George by either of the children, due to their own decision. Tina tracked David down to a town in South Wales, some 12 years ago. There had been no contact up until that time.

Both children would like to trace their mum, if only to know that she is alive and well. Oceans have passed under the bridge and neither Tina or David are under any illusions of life through rose coloured spectacles. But there is always two sides to a story and they believe that Ruby has a right to tell her side. Last know address was Hartington Road, SOUTHEND-ON-SEA. Anyone who may have the smallest piece of information is urged to contact Tina Glover at the following address: 14 Cowley, Lakeside, TAMWORTH, Staffs. B77 2RD or phone: 01827 701551 or 07969 990021

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