Plans for low-security homes for people with learning difficulties and mental health needs in small villages have been condemned.

There is an on-going row at Kirby-le-Soken, where there is already one residential unit for young people and soon could be another.

Douglas Carswell, prospective Tory MP for Harwich, said: "A civilised society has a real responsibility to care for vulnerable people, such as those with mental and behavioural problems. And I respect and admire those professional carers who look after them.

"The issue here is, however, is Kirby-le-Soken an appropriate setting for these secure units at the heart of the village in this way?"

On a fact-finding tour by protesters, Mr Carswell was told that there had been no consultation.

A planning application is due to be considered by Tendring councillors in October.

Published Wednesday, September 22, 2004

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