PRESSURE is mounting on transport chief Alistair Darling to come clean over the fate of £60million in Dartford Crossing tolls sitting in the bank.

The unspent cash, which is growing at the rate of £1million a week, is supposed to be used to pay for road improvements in south Essex.

But a report has shown that the money, accrued over the past 18 months, is remaining unspent while the area's roads cry out for upgrading.

Basildon and East Thurrock MP Angela Smith vowed to quiz Transport Secretary Alistair Darling over the cash following the revelation by the AA Motoring Trust.

She has promised to look at the trust's 2004 Dartford Crossing inspection report before speaking to Mr Darling about how best to spend the money.

She said: "I will certainly study the information and present the key facts to the Transport Secretary Alistair Darling because this money has been taken in tolls and should be used for the benefit of the public.

"As far as I am aware, some of this money should be spent on the local roads and another part of it should be spent on the national road network.

"However, I will have to speak to Mr Darling to find out why this money is not being spent at all. "If it is being earmarked for a major project then I can understand that but it cannot just be left in a pot."

When the crossing's twin tunnels and QEII bridge came into public ownership around 18 months ago, the Government agreed to use any surplus cash to pay for local road improvements.

The AA Motoring Trust has called for the funds to be used to improve conditions at the existing Dartford Crossing.

The 2004 Dartford Tunnel inspection was funded by the trust, a charity, with the aim of highlighting any safety aspects which may need improvement.