A BID to give Manningtree and Mistley a status afforded to the country’s most treasured rural areas has been backed by businesses.

Calls have been made to extend the Suffolk Coast and Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty south of the River Stour.

If the move is approved, the adjoining town and village will benefit from increased tourism, extra funding and stricter rules on development.

Tendring Council is set to put forward the proposal to Natural England in the next few weeks.

Barry Hammick, owner of Manningtree-based Accent Marketing, said: “We just miss out at the moment because we are on the edge of the Dedham Vale.

“Residents and business owners have always known Manningtree is rather special, but to have it recognised by becoming part of the area of natural beauty would be very welcome.

“The benefits would be numerous and the boost for tourism would be fantastic.”

Graham Weare, chairman of Manningtree District Business Chamber and owner of Dragonflies gift shop, warned the designation would not be enough to boost tourism on its own.

He said: “It would be great if they could pull it off because it would put the town of Manningtree on the map. But just giving us the title won’t be enough.

“They will need to publicise the town more to get more people coming to see us.

“More brown signs pointing to the town are needed because there’s nothing on the A120 or the A12 to tell people we are here.

“I think that would bring a big injection of tourism to the town.”

Carlo Guglielmi, Tendring councillor responsible for technical and procurement services, has been gathering information for the bid.

He said: “It is an area of outstanding natural beauty and being recognised as such would advance the area by bringing more people to visit and increase funding grants.

“The claim is coming to a head and we hope to be lodging it with Natural England in the next month.

“We are lobbying everybody – MPs and community leaders – to give us their support so we can achieve this.

“Natural England has led us to believe we are very strong contenders in the bid.”

MPs have supported the move. Bernard Jenkin, MP for North Essex, has tabled a parliamentary motion in support of the council’s bid.

Douglas Carswell, MP for Harwich, and Bob Russell, Colchester MP, have signed the motion.

Mr Jenkin said: “It’s inconceivable as to why it hasn’t been extended to this side of the Stour before, in my opinion.”