TEENAGE drinkers have been warned they face a night in a police cell if they cause trouble in a Colchester neighbourhood this Easter.

Youngsters have been given the warning after complaints by residents living near the recreation ground and Bullock Woods in St John’s.

Underage drinkers have been causing problems for those living in the area for years, creating noise and damaging property during school holidays.

Bob Dunston, of Woodview Close, a member of the St John’s Residents’ Association, said: “It usually starts about Easter.

“Youngsters aged 12 to 16 gather at the far corner with the sole purpose of drinking alcohol. It starts on a Friday night, but they will go through into Saturday and again on a Saturday evening into Sunday.

“My fence was broken and my neighbours’ fences have been broken. There are at least 14 or 15 houses on my street which are all affected by it, as well as residents in surrounding roads when the youngsters are drunk on their way home.”

The problem came to head last year after a 12-year-old girl drank herself unconscious on the edge of the woods.

Mr Dunston said: “Twenty-two parents were contacted by police and we have monitored it from there. It has certainly slowed it down.”

But he said some residents were concerned the problems could return during the Easter holidays.

He said: “I want to get the message out to youngsters before it happens that we are aware of your drinking and we will be acting on it.”

Debbie Chisholm, an Essex Police spokeswoman, said: “Anyone who doesn’t co-operate could spend a very uncomfortable night or face a criminal record.”

PC Steve Walsom, St John’s neighbourhood specialist officer, added: “When anti-social behaviour occurred in the area last year, we nipped it in the bud very quickly.

“If the same occurs this year, we will take the same action.”