A LEADING historian is to visit Colchester to add his support to the campaign to buy part of Colchester's Roman Circus.

Writer and presenter Dan Cruickshank is to give a talk and lecture to help raise funds for the Save the Roman Circus appeal.

Mr Cruickshank is an acknowledged architectural expert who has won critical acclaim for his numerous TV programmes which include Around the World in 80 Treasures charting his trip around the world to 80 man-made artefacts and buildings.

Mr Cruickshank became one of the first patrons of the appeal and now he is to visit the site he is trying to save.

While in Colchester, he will give a talk at a lunch to be staged at Dedham.

The event is at the Sun Inn on February 16 starting at 1pm. It will cost £50 per person with half of the money going to the circus appeal.

In the evening, Mr Cruickshank will give a lecture in the Mayor's Parlour at Colchester Town Hall starting at 7.30pm.

Tickets cost £12 per person with the money again going to the appeal.

Anyone wanting further details or to buy a ticket for either event should contact Francis Terry on 01206 577895 or email francis.n.terry@btinternet.com.