In the Seventies when I was six, I saw my first film at the cinema.

It started with a little spaceship being pursued by a much larger ship.

That large ship gradually came into view, and the effect of that opening scene on a six-year-old was one of awe.

That film was Star Wars.

For me, it was about the spectacle of it all.

Today, the feeling of awe and surprise was back as I saw James Cameron’s Avatar. The visual effects were stunning, and as great as they were, it was the story I appreciated most. This film parallels situations in our world in a sci-fi setting that really gets you thinking.

The gist of the story being that we’ve all but destroyed our own world, so let’s go and destroy someone else’s to get what we want.

This sums up perfectly how I feel my own species behaves. We interfere in other cultures because it suits us to do so. Why can we not just let other countries live how they want to live?

It may not be the socalled “right way”, but maybe that’s just how it should be. And maybe, things would work themselves out there when the times are right.

Our country seems to be run by incompetent fools, who can’t run our own country properly, yet are quite happy to send men and women to die in other countries’ wars.

If I were a politician, my manifesto would probably be like this: ● Let other countries sort out their own problems.

We have enough of our own. Our interference should be when it directly affects our country. And in that case, only with concrete proof!

● Irresponsible role models should be banned from receiving any press coverage. For example, overpaid footballers, actors and reality stars who forget it’s us who put them where they are.

● Wages should be relative to the work done.

So, footballers’ wages capped to liveable wages, not the stupid amounts they get, and doctors, nurses, teachers, and the like get paid proper money for what they do.

● Political correctness should be banned and common sense reintroduced.

● Victims of crime, and not the culprits, should be supported.

● Compulsory family checks to see that children are being brought up in safe, happy, disciplined and loving surroundings.

● Public transport should be free for all, but with voluntary contributions if you want or can afford to.

● Religion should not be forced upon anyone, and should not be treated and taught as fact when it is faith based. That said, people should respect people that do or do not want to believe.

● Dads should be treated as equals. The CSA has done more damage than good for the welfare of children.

● Compulsory community service for all teenagers should be part of the school curriculum.

At the end of the day, we probably are destroying our planet, and we have our priorities wrong.

There appears to be no respect, little love, no discipline and no common sense any more.

And all this from watching an awesome film.

Jason Spurgeon
Grays Close
West Mersea