MYSTERY surrounds the locking of a gate leading to land on which the £130million shake-up of Colchester’s secondary schools is said to hinge.

The footpath which runs past Philip Morant School, linking both ends of Norman Way, was locked last weekend.

Householders pointed the finger at the school, which was last week refused the right to use neighbouring land, owned by Colchester Council, to build a controversial access road.

One, who did not wish to be named, said: “It’s a bit odd the school lost a bid to get the access road and four days later a gate is shut to stop people walking down a path which until now has been used every single day.”

However, deputy headteacher Philip Hurst denied the school was to blame.

He said: “They weren’t closed by Phillip Morant School and College or on behalf of ourselves and we are unaware who might have closed them.”

David Kennedy, chairman of the Irvine Road Area Residents’ Association, which has been opposing the school’s bid for an access road, said: “It means people who use Irvine Road Field would not be able to get to it without a massive detour.”