I am writing to respond to your recent “Fears over future of Colchester savings scheme” article (Gazette, November 20), which contained a number of inaccuracies.

As I made clear to the borough council panel, funding was provided to Essex Savers to ensure that all Essex residents were able to access credit union facilities.

While residents of Colchester already have a credit union, we want to ensure all Essex residents are in the same position.

It is not the case that Colchester residents are being disadvantaged.

The panel was also told that Essex County Council received no Government grant to support the expansion of credit unions across the county. Rather, this was funding provided by the county council as part of the public sector’s response to the economic downturn.

It is unfortunate your reporting of the hourlong session was so selective and put a premium on attentiongrabbing headlines rather than accuracy.

The picture you paint of Colchester Credit Union is unnecessarily gloomy.

Credit unions provide a valuable way for residents to save and borrow at affordable rates.

Essex County Council remains committed to ensuring credit unions are able to meet the needs of their local communities, both locally and county-wide.

Should any of your readers want to become members, I am sure Colchester Credit Union would welcome them.

Dr Paul Probert
head of Economic Policy
Policy, Community Planning
and Regulations
Essex County Council