AN out-of-work teenager is so desperate to get a job, his mum is advertising him on Twitter.

Connor Boyle, 18, has struggled to find work after losing his part-time job earlier this year, despite applying to dozens of companies.

Mum Madeline has now sent out “tweets” on the social networking site begging for someone to give him a job.

She said: “He’s desperately looking for work. He’s unemployed and he can’t find anything because he hasn’t any experience. But how can he get experience unless someone gives him a job in the first place?”

Madeline’s message has been picked up by thousands of people. It even went to legendary Twitterer and comedian Stephen Fry and Dragons’ Den star and self-made millionaire, Duncan Bannatyne.

Madeline said: “It just says 18-year-old male with good GCSE results desperate for work in Clacton and the surrounding area.”

Connor was a bit red-faced when he found out what his mum had done, but later saw the funny side. Now he’s hoping publicity from the stunt will pay off and land him a job.

Madeline, of St Vincent Road, Clacton, said: “When I said someone from the Gazette wanted to get in touch, his initial reaction was embarrassment, because he’s out of work. Then I talked him round and said if it goes in the Gazette, an employer out there might think here’s a lad with a bit of initiative who can think outside of the box.”

Former Clacton County High pupil Connor has worked in shops before, but says he'll try his hand at anything. Madeline said: “He’s looking for work every day. He’s applied for just about everything, but he hasn’t even had any luck getting any Christmas work.”